We invite you to put your footsteps in those of the glassmakers, salt smugglers, farmers, charcoal makers, and other inhabitants of the territory to discover its natural riches and historical treasures.
Every year, the first weekend of July (Saturday or Sunday), the volunteers of the association Salicorne, plunges you into this era through its beaten pathways where each era has its share of history. The departure of “The Walk of Salt” changes each year, it is from one of the partner villages of the association, as well as the route to reach the source.
Smugglers, gentlemen, farmers accompanied by their donkeys … will accompany you throughout the walk. Arriving at the salt water domain, you will find the hut of the salt maker, the latter boiling the water to extract the salt. To know that the quantity of salt contained in a liter of water can reach 60gr… that is to say 2 times more than the sea water !