Grab the Sergeant Major pen at “l’école Jules Ferry” and don’t make any mistakes in the dictation or the dunce cap will be waiting for you. If it’s a no-fault, the schoolmistress will award the traditional good point, a token of congratulation for the efforts made.
As you climb the door of the old-fashioned kitchen, it’s the sound of the TSF sets that calls out before plunging into this rustic place, the heart of the house’s life.
Outside, the peasants are threshing wheat, manually but also thanks to the threshing machines that work with the help of engines from the 1900’s and tractor. Engines from the era hum along.
But also: the Baker baking bread in the communal bread oven, the clog maker shaping a piece of wood into a clog, the washerwomen laundering laundry with ash, the blacksmith shaping a horseshoe, the wheelwrights hooping wheels, not to mention the parades of antique tractors and the working water mill dating back to 1073.